The Tory Government’s introduction of the Trade-Union Bill today in Parliament is a callous attack on workplace rights and civil-liberty.
Trade-unions solve problems in the workplace. Proposing further restrictions on their important work makes it more likely that problems turn into disputes, costing the company more in lost productivity and costing the country in the lack of sustainable economic growth.
The last Labour Government presided over 13 years of record low levels of working days lost to workplace disputes. However in 2011, the Tory-led Coalition Government prompted large protests over pensions, losing 1.4 million working days, the highest number of working days lost since 1990.
Rachael Maskell says:
“Workers have a big interest in the company that employs them. The Government should recognise this and the important role of trade-unions in contributing to the long-term success of the company. Trade-unions are partners in productivity, responsible employers get around the negotiating table to discuss the collective concerns of the workforce, before disputes escalate.
“The Government is taking the wrong steps in tackling the UK’s productivity crisis. Trade-unions facilitate the participation of employees in the decision-making of the company they work for, this function increases productivity, as we have seen in other European countries such as France and Germany, whose productivity per hour is on average 30% higher than the UK.
“After centuries of struggles, ordinary citizens now face changes to working conditions that are in breach of conventions declared by the UN agency, the International Labour Organisation. Worker’s rights are human rights.
“I stand on the side of fairness in society. When the Tory Government sets about destroying the hopes of generations by dismantling the promise of secure careers, affordable access to housing and high-quality public services; know that I am on your side. They can weaken our rights so it is harder to be heard when they cut public-services, close children’s centres and care services, I will be fighting for you in opposing these unfair attacks on our hard-won services and rights.